About Me

From North Dakota to Texas
I am simple enough, I love movies. It is what I know, and not to boast, I know a lot. This blog is an experiment to see if I can do more with what I know and love.

Friday, August 13, 2010


So, today I was killing time (read: avoiding actual work) in the way I generally do, I looked around for any new movie trailers. I have a rehab worthy addiction to trailers, especially ones for movies for movies that are not coming out until next year. I'm looking at you Thor comic-con footage. So, in my never ending quest to see new movies I looked around. I found a few and here are my takes on a few... and if possible I will link to them so you can make up your own mind...

The first one is Skyline, it is apparently about aliens, Los Angeles, and spaceship things that look way too much like they are from halo. I have no clue what this movie is about. It is one of those where the trailer pops up on the Internet and there really is nothing other than that. It it hard to say what this movie will be like, it is just a teaser and there is nothing much else. All I know now is, with Battle: Los Angeles and Skyline when the aliens eventually invade Los Angeles is screwed.

Next was Love & other drugs. I am a sucker for SOME romantic comedies. This one might be one of those movies that I have soft spot for. Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal are cute and the movie actually looks fun. SO there is nothing really bad to say. It looks like some October fluff, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Guardians: the Owls of Ga'Hoole, I know this one is older, but the movie interests me for some reason that I can't really explain. What makes the trailer and an aspect of trailers that was overlooked but becoming more and more important is that music. This one happens to have Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars which fits perfectly. It fits like M.I.A.'s Paper Planes did for Pineapple Express. The movie reminds me of those kids movies that I grew up with, specifically, the Secret of Nimh. It has that very similar feel, animals, danger, and a seriousness that hasn't been in many kids movies lately (PIXAR is exempt from this generalization)

And finally my last one is a trailer that was the topic of much discussion after Comic-con, Sucker Punch, which for those who care is done by Zak Snyder, the guy who did Watchmen, 300 and one of the few remakes that didn't suck beyond imagination Dawn of the Dead. This movie looks like a geeks wet dream. I mean really, did he just put a bunch of suggestions on a wall and throw darts. The trailer has hot girls that are HEAVILY armed, an asylum that doubles as a brothel, giant samurai troll things, Nazis, robots that look like they are rejects from Battlestar Gallatica, mechs, dragons, by-planes, and did I mention hot girls with LOTS of weapons. The trailer is a collection of geek money shots, especially the one with the samurai troll think with a GATLING GUN. Seriously.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shots in the Dark

Wow, I am really awful at writing daily. So, instead of every day, I will shoot for 3 times a week. I think I can do that.

For today, I have another list. This one is a little more traditional. For your consideration I give you..

The Worst Shots in Movies....guns that is..

M. Emmet Walsh: See: The Jerk. He has a rifle with a scope and he is shooting at an idiot and hits only the cans. However, those cans did have it coming

Carrie Fisher: See: The Blues Brothers. A bazooka, flame thrower, and semi automatic rifle... I don't care if the Brothers were on a “mission from God,” when you are 10 feet away you shout be able to hit something. Ray Charles was a better shot and HE'S BLIND!

Stormtroopers: See: Star Wars. “Too precise to be sand people” my ass. They couldn't hit a man running AT them and screaming and an eight foot “walking carpet” when they out numbered the two 100 to 1. Seriously!

Anyone shooting at Arnold or Sly: See: Rambo, Commando, Red Heat, Cobra, Raw Deal, Running Man, Demolition Man.

These are the cream of the crap. You could stand in front of them put a bullseye on your chest and have a better shot at getting hit by lightening on a clear day then getting hit by these people.

I know there are more out there. Who do you think are the worst shots.

Quote of the day: “He hates these cans. Stay away from the cans.” Navin R. Johnson The Jerk

Friday, July 16, 2010

A short pair of lists to keep you busy.

It was a rather boring day today. For that reason I don't really have much to talk about. There was a new Wind in the Willows trailer up. It was just a teaser, so, nothing REALLY cool. But, it is made by Weta (guys who did Lord of the Rings) so I have faith. That is about it, other then Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern but, that is a few days old now.

In the mean time I thought tonight I would give you a list. Well, make that two lists. The first is movies that I think are not appreciated enough. Those movies that I think are good that don't seem to get the respect or admiration that they deserve. The second is those movies that I think get too much acclaim. These are generally movies that aren't bad, just not as awesome as people (not critics) make them out to be.

The Good Ones:(in no particular order)
1. Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World. I love this movie, great cast, action, drama, everything you need in a good movie. It is a great adventure on the high seas. This one has some acclaim but I don't think the people appreciated it as much as they could or should have.
2. Kingdom of Heaven. (note: the extended director's cut is much better then the theatrical version and this is the one that I am referring to) This one also has a great cast, despite Orlando Bloom. The extended cut is one of the few that actually adds story to the movie, holes are filled and characters become more then just inflated extras. The big addition is Eva Green's Sybilla actually has a purpose other than just being a girl in an all guy cast.
3. 13th Warrior. This movie is just a guilty pleasure. It has viking action and there is nothing wrong with that.

The Bad List.
1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Now, the reason this is on the list is because of the people who love this movie. In my years at the video store this was one of the most requested movies. I won't discount that this movie is good. The problem I have is that people have no idea WHY it is good. They like it because it is the COOL thing to do. Half of the people who asked for the movie don't even know who Hunter S. Thompson was, and that just bugs me.
2. Boondock Saints. I particularly like this movie. But after watching it over the years and watching the documentary(its called Overnight people should check it out) about the making of the movie, I just can't like it that much anymore. That, and I am tired of people naming it their favorite movie. There are much better movies out there.
3.(this one is going to get me in trouble I know it) 2001: a Spade Odyssey. Kubrick is a great director, I will concede that. I have my own personal issues to work out with regards to his films. With this movie, aside from the enormous technical achievement, the problem I have is just HOW the story is told. I get the dawn of man with teh monolith. I get the story with HAL. I even kinda get that last 9 minute acid trip. I just think there are much better ways of telling a story with out being so pretentious. But that is my opinion.

In hindsight "The Bad List" should just be called the "I Have Issues with List." I know there are better reasons to like the movies that I liked and the movies I have issues with well, they aren't really BAD movies. However, I'm writing this and if there are movies to add to either list please add them.

Quote of the Day:
"Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything! You've never been out of college! You don't know what it's like out there! I've worked in the private sector. They expect results." Dr. Ray Stantz Ghostbusters

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Introductions are in order!

I suppose for my first post introductions are in order.

My name is Tyler, I have lived in the Midwest all my life (born in Wisconsin, grew up in Oklahoma, college in North Dakota (English major) and now back to Oklahoma). I worked at a video store for 5 years before they went extinct. And I worked at a larger store (not to be named here) in the movie department for a while after that. So let us just say that I have been watching and talking about movies for years. Hence the moniker, The Midwest Movie Guy. Now, I know there are people out there that might have more insider information. I'm looking at you guy who actually lives in L.A. and has a buddy in "show biz" and gets set visits to what ever horror remake they are doing now. There are people who might get to see movies during test screenings. The fact that I don't live in a large enough city that regularly has those, it is kind of out of the question. So, forget about that. That is not what I plan on talking about.

What I do plan on doing is talking about what I love, movies. What's out. What's coming out. News, reviews, musings, anything that comes to my rather large noggin. This is a place for me to get my talk about movies fix without annoying the hell out of my wife. So, the plan is to do this as daily as possible. However, I make no promises.

So, dear reader (if you even exist) why should you read this? Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know. This is more for me then you. If one of you should read this and enjoy it, wonderful. If not. Well, it is not my problem.

And I will end this post as I intend on ending all my posts with a movie quote. These might be relevant to what I posted or these could be random. This first one I think is sort of both.

"Of course you don't know. You don't know because only I know. If you knew and I didn't know, then you'd be teaching me instead of me teaching you - and for a student to be teaching his teacher is presumptuous and rude. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Turkentine (the teacher) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory