About Me

From North Dakota to Texas
I am simple enough, I love movies. It is what I know, and not to boast, I know a lot. This blog is an experiment to see if I can do more with what I know and love.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shots in the Dark

Wow, I am really awful at writing daily. So, instead of every day, I will shoot for 3 times a week. I think I can do that.

For today, I have another list. This one is a little more traditional. For your consideration I give you..

The Worst Shots in Movies....guns that is..

M. Emmet Walsh: See: The Jerk. He has a rifle with a scope and he is shooting at an idiot and hits only the cans. However, those cans did have it coming

Carrie Fisher: See: The Blues Brothers. A bazooka, flame thrower, and semi automatic rifle... I don't care if the Brothers were on a “mission from God,” when you are 10 feet away you shout be able to hit something. Ray Charles was a better shot and HE'S BLIND!

Stormtroopers: See: Star Wars. “Too precise to be sand people” my ass. They couldn't hit a man running AT them and screaming and an eight foot “walking carpet” when they out numbered the two 100 to 1. Seriously!

Anyone shooting at Arnold or Sly: See: Rambo, Commando, Red Heat, Cobra, Raw Deal, Running Man, Demolition Man.

These are the cream of the crap. You could stand in front of them put a bullseye on your chest and have a better shot at getting hit by lightening on a clear day then getting hit by these people.

I know there are more out there. Who do you think are the worst shots.

Quote of the day: “He hates these cans. Stay away from the cans.” Navin R. Johnson The Jerk

1 comment:

  1. The cowboys in the saloon at the end of The Unforgiven - deadly combination of slow draws and horrible shots - couldn't come close to William Muny in a small room - put several shots in the bar, though. Even fanning their pistols didn't help. They should have cleared on out the back along with the rest
