About Me

From North Dakota to Texas
I am simple enough, I love movies. It is what I know, and not to boast, I know a lot. This blog is an experiment to see if I can do more with what I know and love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The under appreciated

I am going to file this under "Under-appreciated Movie Themes." Now, there are all those themes that we know and love. Superman, Indiana Jones, Star Wars (pretty much anything John Williams.) And of course those wild cards- James Bond, Magnificent 7.

Those themes everyone knows(or should know). This is not one of them. I was watching good ol' Netflix and decided to watch Robocop. I know what you are thinking... great choice! Verhoven at his best. But as I was watching and pondering how awful at being a cop Robocop actually was I was struck by the theme. It one of those epic horn themes. More forceful than a William's score, and just this side of ridiculous.

Now, no one really remembers that theme. You don't hum it going down the street and it isn't played over and over by High School bands. However, I think it deserves a place in the halls of cinematic glory. So I induct The Robocop Theme into the "Hall of Under-Appreciated Movie Themes"

I am sure I will add more as I think about it. This is the point at which I ask you, the readers, what under-appreciated movie themes should be added to the Hall of Fame. Post them in the comments if you want.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tron: Legacy

So, I finally saw Tron:Legacy. I know, you are probably saying to yourself "But Tyler you call yourself a movie guy. Tron has been out for months you are just now seeing it." Yes, I just saw it. In my defense, I have a job, a wife, a life, and things to do. If I were one of those people who got paid to watch movies, I would GO see more sooner. However, as it stands I don't get paid. Which is probably a good thing, I watch too many as it is, getting paid for it would open up a whole new level of obsessive movie watching.

So, on with the proverbial show. My Tron Review:

Jules (my wife) and I decided to use our Christmas present (Fandango Bucks) from my sisters (READ: enablers) and go big and watch Tron in IMAX 3D. This was the first time we had seen a IMAX in 3D. I was excited, Jules was tolerant. Side note: it is hard to look cool with those 3D glasses on. It would take an act of God to make someone look cool with IMAX 3D glasses on. So there we were, ready for the movie.

So, Tron starts shortly after the first one with Flynn (Jeff Bridges) talking to his son Sam about Tron and all adventures that he has had on "the Grid." Now, it should be noted that the opening of the movie is not in 3D, and watching something in not in 3D while wearing glasses that make the picture 3D can really give you a headache. But moving on....

Of course by now everyone knows that they used a "digital double" to make Jeff Bridges younger. Now, while they are in the computer world that is not that out of place. However, in the real world, the glassy eyes of the digital Flynn are a little creepy.

Flynn then proceeds to disappear leaving Sam to fend for himself, and his company in the hands of those evil people of "the board" who just want to make profit. Remember folks, "the Board" is always evil, money-hungry and stupid. So it is up to a now older Sam Flynn to play Robin Hood and steal from his own company.

Now we all know all of this is just a set up to get Sam into the world of Tron, and because it has been so long since the movie is out I won't go into the plot. I'll just go into the stuff that I thought was really cool.

First, the score! Daft Punk is awesome, Daft Punk did the score, therefore the score is AWESOME! Period.

Second, Micheal Sheen, who is probably one of my favorite character actors working now. He is seeming channeling David Bowie, Chaplin, Sid Viscous, and I think a hint of Pee Wee Herman. He plays one of those excessively flamboyant underworld bosses that are a dime a dozen, but in the world of Tron it works and I think works really well.

The last part that I really kind of liked was the flash backs to the world and the creation of the current version of the "Grid" It was really nice to see a movie that takes its time with a story more so than just the "gee whizz" 3D'ness of Tron. It was refreshing, and I appreciate the fact that story was important.

There of course are the minor quibbles- not showing a character here, talking too long to get to there... etc... but those are minor and don't detract from the movie.

Now, there is the inevitable sequel to think about. Tron:Legacy is a complete story in itself, which is nice. There is, however, the hints of more that could come. And if they take the time, and get the people that love the world as much as it seemed this group did, I'd be up for it. I would probably spend the money and see it earlier too.


Friday, January 14, 2011

So being Christian in Norway might be a bad idea,,,,

Day: 1

Okay, off to a good start. I am one for one.

Today I wanted to post something that I already have posted before on my Facebook. I bet more people saw it there, but oh well. This is something that I am really excited about. It is a movie from Norway. Being that I am somewhat Norge, I have a soft spot in my heart for this.

It is a movie directed by Andre Overdal. Since I don't really follow Norwegian film, I don't know if he has done a lot more stuff. The only thing IMDB says that he has done is a movie called Future Murder, which sounds a lot like Minority Report. So, this particular movie has been making the genre festival rounds. I hope it gets a decent wide release. However, I have resigned myself to waiting until I can rent or buy it. So without further ado I give you ....

The Troll Hunter.

I know that the whole psudo-documentary (read: shakycam galore) turns a lot of people off. I am usually not a fan, a big screen with that much movement is a bit of an overload. But, it looks like they took their time and thought about the composition of the shots to make it looks the best even in blurry night vision

I think this could be one of the coolest random movies I have ever seen. If it is half as interesting as the trailer makes it look like I will be a happy little viking.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog 2.0

Okay, here we go again. This time it is for real. I WILL post something every day for the rest of the year. Starting now.

Let's set some ground rules.
1) Each post has to have some movie content. Info, Trailer, Link, a review in Haiku form. Something more than just saying "Post" and calling it done.
2) Posts must be completed and posted by midnight. No doubling up in a day, one day. one post.

This counts.

Tomorrow, will be something movie related.