I am going to file this under "Under-appreciated Movie Themes." Now, there are all those themes that we know and love. Superman, Indiana Jones, Star Wars (pretty much anything John Williams.) And of course those wild cards- James Bond, Magnificent 7.
Those themes everyone knows(or should know). This is not one of them. I was watching good ol' Netflix and decided to watch Robocop. I know what you are thinking... great choice! Verhoven at his best. But as I was watching and pondering how awful at being a cop Robocop actually was I was struck by the theme. It one of those epic horn themes. More forceful than a William's score, and just this side of ridiculous.
Now, no one really remembers that theme. You don't hum it going down the street and it isn't played over and over by High School bands. However, I think it deserves a place in the halls of cinematic glory. So I induct The Robocop Theme into the "Hall of Under-Appreciated Movie Themes"
I am sure I will add more as I think about it. This is the point at which I ask you, the readers, what under-appreciated movie themes should be added to the Hall of Fame. Post them in the comments if you want.
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